Everywhere I seemed to go this past weekend, there were roses. Unfortunately, the 2 rose bushes in our front yard are not blooming like everyone else's. I guess I need to put some rose food on them.
Friday night Mike came home a bit early, which I was thrilled about! He desperately needed to go to the driving range since he was playing in a tournament Saturday and hadn't picked up his clubs in almost a year! I went with him and sat on a bench reading my Kindle while he hit. I guess the breeze coming through there was strong because I got extremely cold and had to go sit in the car until he finished. From there, we went to Russo's New York Pizzeria for dinner and crashed early when we got home.
Saturday morning came early! Mike got ready to go to his golf tournament and I got ready to head over to my parent's. Since Mike was gone on Saturday and my mom had a bridal shower to attend, my dad and I decided to go out to Lake Conroe to visit my grandparents. We picked up some BBQ on the way and had a great visit with them! They're back yard was full of beautiful roses. My grandfather went through and picked some for me to bring home…unfortunately, the ride home wasn't friendly to them! Especially since the ride home was longer than usual. We were about half way home when the weather turned terrible and started hailing! We got under a gas station awning quickly and waited for it to let up. Once it did we left…only it started hailing again! We rushed under the drive through portion of a bank and waited there a bit longer. Once we got back to my parent's house, I helped my mom make an appetizer to take to a neighborhood party, and then I came home to relax until Mike got home. By the way…..Mike hadn't played in almost a year and got an EAGLE on a par 5! That's incredible!
Sunday Mike did some yard work while I cleaned the inside of the house. We went to Brio for lunch…where there was a long, full, lush row of more gorgeous roses. We watched some DVR when we got home and then got ready for mass. We had a guest priest, who was the Director of Vocations for the Arch-Diocese of Galveston-Houston. He was great! His homily may have been long, but he had us laughing so hard tears welled up in our eyes! If more priests were like him, people wouldn't leave the Catholic church. He came to the US from Vietnam at 12 years old because as a first grader, he received his calling to enter the priesthood. He introduced himself as Father Who DAT….Dat being his last name, and then said he doesn't go to Rocket's games when our pastor invites him because he doesn't want people to confuse him with Yao Ming……Father Dat was short! It was just a great mass! After church, my parents took us to Flemings to celebrate Mike's birthday. We sat on the patio, which we had to ourselves, and enjoyed a great meal!
I'm looking forward to this week because it's my love's birthday tomorrow!!!!!!!! I can't wait to celebrate!
Have a great week and be on the look out for one of my FAVORITE pasta recipes this week!
pups & kisses,
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