Wednesday, January 30, 2013

It don't have a job, won't pay your bills

Love will hold us together

It was Matt Maher's song, "Love Will Hold Us Together" that was played as the closing song at mass on Sunday night. The words of that song resonate with me so much! Especially, after spending a blessed day with my grandparents, who were celebrating their 58th wedding anniversary.

My grandparents are just about the greatest people I know. They've shown unconditional love, care, and support to everyone that comes into their lives. My grandfather worked harder than most to provide for his family. He worked construction and basically saw the city of Houston go up before his eyes. He worked on sky-scrapers downtown, hospitals in the med center, museums, and stood on scaffolding as he and others built the Astrodome. My grandmother stayed home and took care of 6 children. Getting them to and from school, drill team and football practice, and many other activities. Together, they loved and took care of their family, and made Christ an important part of their lives, despite the fact that some times were hard.

My grandparents have been there for me, just as they've been there for their 14 other grandchildren. I have memories of them coming to my choir concerts, watching me dance at halftime during high school football games and dance competitions. However, some of my greatest memories are when they visited our family when we lived out of state and when we came back to Texas during the summers. My grandfather used to ice skate with me, he built furniture for my American Girl doll, my grandmother used to make us homemade donuts, give us all the sugary drinks we wanted (that my mom would never give us!) and together, they supported and showed excitement for everything we did. 

Things didn't change as I got older. They were extremely excited when Mike and I got engaged and they've shown our precious puppies so much love too! On several occasions, they've watched Pasha and Carly while we've been out of town and I know the girls love getting to spend time with their great-grandparents. Anytime we mention Nanny and Grandad, our pups go crazy!

I use their marriage as a great example of what our marriage should follow. Even through the tough times they've had, and the tough times still to come, love will hold them together. If you have some extra time today, listen to the Matt Maher song. Whether you listen to Christian music or not, the message is great!

pups & kisses,

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